Premium Phone

March 27, 2018 March 9, 2019
8 40 1185

Premium phone Osclass plugin is a plugin which can add multiple fields per ad which can be used to save phone numbers, cell phone, skype, messenger, etc.

Now you do not need to worry about the name of the fields created with this plugin, if you use multiple languages, you have the option to set the name for each language. In order to use this plugin, you have to edit the files responsible for publish/edit page and item page from your theme.

You have to include the lines to display the input fields and to display the data stored in the database. You have all the documentation and a video in the plugin help page.

– set icon for each field based on Font Awesome icons;

– set the name for each language, no plugin translation needed to display the correct language;

– make the field mandatory on publish/ edit page;

– option to hide the last characters from field value if the field is used for phone numbers;

– set the numbers of characters to hide;

– option to allow only numbers in the field, if the field is used for phone numbers;

– set the order of the fields;

– display all fields in the same place or you can display each field individually in your desired area;

– predefined function to display the name, value, icon, id of the field on item page, you can use this function to display the field value or icon in your theme;

– easy to add new fields, without limitation;



Custom work is not included in the price of the product. The customer has the obligation to inform himself about all the aspect of this product before purchase. If the customer has any question about this product, can ask the question in the question system. All the complains or assumptions that the product will work in another way that is presented in the description will not be accepted after the purchase is made.

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