Vrisko theme

March 28, 2018 April 11, 2020
9 38 5553

Vrisko is professional Osclass theme which has included new features which allow the user to set the avatar image on registration and you can add a partner list in the footer which can be easily set from admin panel under theme settings, no plugin is required for this.

Some of the features:

- set avatar on registration, without any plugin;

- user type and phone in registration;

- responsive design;

- premium listings, latest listings, trending categories and top searches on the home page;

- a partner list with the option to set the list from admin panel;

- social links in the footer for multiple social networks, you only have to include the link to your social pages;

- main categories on the home page with the option to set images or font awesome icons;

- list item by private or company users;

- currency filter;

- social share included on item page;

- ready for advertisement;

- related listings on item page;

- most viewed ads of the user if the user is registered, in items sidebar;

- change the colors of your site from theme settings available in the admin dashboard;

- multiple options in admin panel to hide or show some of these features and to set the numbers of ads;

You will find this featured on the demo site.

Visited our demo site to see the theme.

This theme will create some additional tables in the database to store user avatar info and partners info.

Some extra option can be available on the demo site, options that are created by using plugins. That option is not included in the price of the product, and the plugins are not delivered for free(message plugin).


Custom work is not included in the price of the product. The customer has the obligation to inform himself about all the aspect of this product before purchase. If the customer has any question about this product, can ask the question in the question system. All the complains or assumptions that the product will work in another way that is presented in the description will not be accepted after the purchase is made.

Victor Arias December 3, 2019

Vrisko theme has a Spanish version?

calinbehtuk Author December 3, 2019

Is translated in proportion of 90%. Some extra words are added, but you can translate very easy with poedit.

kris koyk March 27, 2020

Can a carousel be added to the vrisko theme for recent ads or for suggested ones? And how much will it cost? Also in the categories can be the number of ads;

calinbehtuk Author March 28, 2020

I can't tell you a price without a complete list with the changes. I need a detailed list with all the changes. If i remember well we already discussed this on the contact page.

CAS0PER November 5, 2020

Hi How to display the items as a grid wildcard list on the home page http://prntscr.com/ve5zyw Thank


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