Cbk User

September 2, 2019 September 2, 2019
9 19 2351

Do you need more fields for your Osclass users? Do you need more control over users that register on your site? Cbk User plugin for Osclass is the best solution for your site.

This plugin allow s you to have better control over your users, to avoid duplicates accounts, block specific domains used to register, or find duplicate accounts base on IP.

Prevents users from registering multiple accounts.

Every time a user creates an account on your Osclass site, a value is stored in cookie so the next time the user will try to register a new account the process is stopped to prevent a new account by the same user. If this is not enough and the user will clear the cookie, you have an extra option to detect duplicate accounts.

Detect duplicate accounts.

If the user has more than one account and will switch between these accounts, the plugin will keep the record about each account, and if a duplicate is detected the value is stored and you can keep an eye on those 2 accounts. And again if this is not enough, you can find duplicate accounts by IP address.

Detect duplicate accounts by IP.

You can search between existing accounts and find what users are logged in from the same IP and you can watch the activity those accounts more carefully.

Add more fields to user.

If you need extra fields for your user that can be used for:

  • WhatsApp, or multiple telephone numbers;

  • site links;

  • date interval like opening between those dates;

  • selectors for multiple option;

  • description fields;

  • or any other type of fields;

You have no limit for this fields, and you can set how many you want.

We know that it is difficult to match the style of a plugin with a premium theme, so for this reason we made the process easier to use and integrate.

You have a custom template option that can be used for each page to better match the theme style and to be sure that those fields will be the same as the field present in your theme. You have the documentation in the plugin help page, and if you can't handle we will be happy to assist you in the implementation of custom templates based on your theme.

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