Osclass print plugin for items will make the print option much more easy for the users that are interested to print the information from an ad.
If the user chooses to print the ads information this plugin gives the user the best way to include the print page all the information that is needed, an option to select what information will be printed.
Users will be able to select which information to include in the print page by checking checkboxes available in the select print page.
They can choose to include:
– date and location;
– description;
– custom fields;
– seller contact information;
– and images by selecting what images to include in the print page;
– extra option on the print page, the user can choose the dimension of images by choosing how many images will be on row;
The admin has multiple options for this plugin to better integration of this plugin with the theme that she uses and some extra options.
Admins options to style and integrate the plugin in the site:
– choose to open the print page in a new tab or as a pop-up new window;
– chose to display the user email even if this user doesn’t check the checkbox to show the email when she published the ad;
– display the phone number from the user account or to display the phone from telephone plugin if this plugin is installed on site and the phone for this add is set in this plugin;
– match the colors from the select page with your theme easy from admin in plugin settings by choosing the perfect color for elements from that page;
– you can choose a different style for the print button which will be included in the item page and chose background color and text color from plugin settings;
– and if you do not like the style you can add easy the style in custom style tab, you don't have to edit the style sheet of this plugin to change the style;
To implement the plugin on your theme you have to edit the file responsible for item page and include the line which will display the print button, you have some tutorials in the plugin help page which guide you how to edit and include the line and how to translate the plugin.
Paulo Costa April 17, 2020
calinbehtuk Author April 17, 2020