Osclass market links remover

August 19, 2019
250 2755

Remove all links from Osclass admin that points to market tab. Osclass announced the closure of the market and we suppose that the project will get no future updates. You will have some links that have market pages in your Osclass installation, this plugin will remove those links.

After 5 September 2019 the market will not be accessible anymore so that pages and tabs that display market products will be empty or displaying some error messages.

This plugin will remove those links from Osclass admin menu and some ajax calls that are related to the Osclass market.


very helpful by emidanstudio, December 6, 2019

great plugin

Plugin utilissimi,bravi! by sergio, April 3, 2020

Continuate cosi, siete eccellenti.

osclass update by Mohammad Quaid, May 26, 2020

Will you or someone update the osclass or we just keep using the old installation forever. I assume the script will start producing errors and may stop soon. Hope you guys takeover this script.

stefAN February 9, 2020

Hello Calin, I installed this plugin but is not working. Any help please?

calinbehtuk Author February 10, 2020

And you know that is not working how? You can simple use the osclass version from which i removed the osclass requests.

stefAN February 10, 2020

because osclass market is still there.

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