Cbk tool is a plugin for Osclass that will make your life much easier.
Will display the server time and the 3 types of cron. The last execution, next execution and time remaining until the next execution, for each type. The Run cron now button will run the cron and reset the time. The osclass hooks are included in the functions so all the plugins that are depending of that hook will run.
If php debug log is active on site you will read all error from that file. To activate the debug and save errors in a file follow these steps: Osclass debug PHP errors
You can test your email server by sending a test email to your email address.
Warning! Use this option carefully, you can damage your files and your site will not work. This option allows you to edit any file from your root folder by navigating in subfolders from the left sidebar. You can edit and save files, preview images and navigate in all folder from your site. The path is displayed on the top and you can go back or select a specific folder.
You can auto-generate items for testing purposes. Set how many items will be inserted one time and how many images per item. Use a lowe value because this will take some time and can consume resources. The items will have the same info but you can force different text on title and description, and the images will be inserted randomly from 16 available images.
Will display the access of users in their account in the last 10,20,30,40,50 and 60 days. With filters for each value.
Will display a list of all the records from log table. In this table are save all the action performed on the site. Like add an item, edit, delete, register and many other actions.
Will get the session file from the server and display all the values saved in that file for the current session. This is useful when you try different plugin to see if the values are stored in the session correctly.
A list of all tables from the site database and all the values stored in each table. You can view all the tables and all the information on each table by selecting the specific table and browse between the records of that table.
A tool for brute force attack on your oc-admin. This option will restrict the number of failed login attempts for each IP. Multiple settings that will reduce the number of attempts and increase the lock time for each IP. Option to reset the records and to notify the admin of too many attempts are made from the same IP. Also a blacklist and white list for IP-s that will allow the block of certain IP-s or ensure that your IP is not blocked. Beside this, a record with the last attempts, to record will contain the attempts until the rest time.
List your server information directly in the admin, no extra changes need to be done to display this information.
Get control over the words that are saved in the latest searches table, filter bad words, insert words and see the stats of most searched words.
Save all emails sent by the script or plugin using osclass email function. In this way, you can see if you have any issue with your email server or if email sare send properly.
Awesome by João Carrolo, March 27, 2020
One more Awesome plugin, work great and a good help to manage an osclass site...
Continue your great JOB
Catalin December 6, 2019
calinbehtuk Author December 7, 2019
Catalin December 7, 2019