Favicon change Osclass

January 7, 2019 March 9, 2019
430 4198

Change your Osclass favicon directly from admin just by uploading a new favicon. All the steps about how to change Osclass favicon are presented in the plugin documentation page.

This plugin will allow you to upload a favicon and force the load of the new favicon on your site, without you clearing the cache if you chose to force load.

After you upload a new favicon, you need to clear your browser cache to see the changes.

For some themes, this plugin will not work because that theme has a favicon attribute set in the header. So is possible that you need to upload the favicon directly in the theme files

Perfeito by Bruno Ferreira, October 21, 2019

Funcionou perfeitamente.
Não esquecer de colocar YES em "Force the new favicon load by adding a new parameter value in the link."

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