Change Osclass admin logo, logo title and the link for the image that is displayed on login and recover page with cbk_admin_logo plugin. The plugin will add a new option in the admin dashboard where you can upload the new admin logo.
On every update, Osclass will upload the files and overwrite the changes that you made on the core but now the changes are kept in the plugin and no changes need to be done after every update.
After the installation process, this plugin will create a link on plugin menu and you will have 3 option on the settings page:
- upload a new logo;
- change logo title;
- change logo link;
nice one by Maher Samy Samuel, July 18, 2020
perfect and helpful
no compatible in Osclass 4 by siken, October 20, 2020
no compatible in Osclass 4
best by bekim, October 22, 2024
best plug