Cbk Youtube

May 15, 2019 May 15, 2019
6 13 1663

Insert youtube videos in Osclass and give the user option to load a preview of the video before they publish the ad. Users will be able to see the video in this way they will be sure that the video URL is correct and if the URL is not correct the video will not be loaded and an error message will be displayed.

Available options in the plugin:

  • allow youtube video only in a specific category;

  • option to load the video directly from the posting page;

  • warning notification if the video doesn't exist or the link is incorrect;

  • display video on the item page, no changes in the theme are needed;

  • responsive video iframe so the video player will adapt to all devices;

  • session store for the link if the form has an error and the page is refreshed the link will not be lost;

The install is easy and you only need to select the plugin category to display the link field. The configure link is in plugins table. You can check all the categories or only in a specific category, the field will be displayed only after this selection is done and only after you select the category on the item post page and item edit page.

A simpler and more practical way. by Remulus Coman, May 26, 2019

A simpler and more practical way of putting our users in full contact with the users who visit their ads, not even exiting, a very good and simple plug-in as if you say 'Hello'

great plugin by Aziz Almarshad, June 13, 2019

it is a great plugin and i appreciate your work ..

but i have some notes ...

1 how to change the location of the Iframe ????

for example i wanna put it under the description ??

2- incase there is no youube URL it still shows the block..need to be hidden automatically..

perhaps a small update to the plugin with my notes would be great...



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