Cbk Password

June 18, 2019 July 14, 2019
169 1905

Secure your user password by forcing a strong password when the user will register or change the password on your site. This plugin will check if the password will contain specific characters or an uppercase letter, number and the length.

This plugin will give you options for:

  • set a minimum length of the password;

  • use at least a special character in a password, like #@%&*+;

  • use at least one number in the password;

  • use at least one uppercase in the password;

The check is made in on the register page and change password page before the form is submitted. If the password will not meet the required parameters from this plugin, the form submission is stopped and a warning message is displayed. No changes are necessary in the theme for this plugin to work and the plugin is compatible with all Osclass themes.

You can use on at all the option for the password, depends on your choice to make the password more secure or not.

Now you Osclass users will keep the account safer with a more secure password that will be harder to guess

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