Osclass Android App

January 25, 2022 January 25, 2022
0 2831

The new Osclass android app for the administrators to manage users and items directly on your Android device with the new application.

This app will allow you to activate, deactivate, block, unblock, delete users and items and will not extend any other extra plugins that you may have on the site.

You will have for the moderation the default information displayed by Osclass for each item and user like image description, location for item and name, email, location description for users.

The scope of this app is to allow you to moderate in a much easy and clean way the users and the items. You will receive a notification on the phone if a new user or item is posted in the last 15 minutes(the minimum interval that can be set on checks).

The app is in a Beta version and will work only if you have the CBK API plugin installed on your site.

We made tests for the CBK API plugin on our version of Osclass 3.8.0 but the plugin with this app will work also on the Osclasspoint version.

You have 2 settings in the app, the API link and the key that is set in the CBK API plugin for each admin account.

Make sure that you pass the correct credentials:

- if you have the permalinks enabled your link will be https://your-site.com/api

- if you don't have the permalink enabled the link will be https://your-site.com

The app needs a secure connection HTTPS to work. If you don't have an SSL certificate on your site the app will not allow connections to HTTP.

You may need to set some extra permission to install the app ''Allow App Installations from Unknown Sources" on your android device.


Thanks by Uttom Dey, August 5, 2022

Thank you so much

Good job by bkaoo, April 26, 2024

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