Translate plugin

April 25, 2020 August 30, 2020
12 26 1950

Cbk Translate is a plugin for Osclass that will make your life easy allowing you to translate your site from the admin panel. You don't need to download the language and use a po editor, you can do the same thing directly from your administration panel.

This plugin will give you the much-needed options for:

  • edit existing core, themes and plugins languages;

  • copy existing core, theme, plugins languages in a new language;

  • generate a new language for plugins and themes;

  • insert new words in core, themes, plugins languages;

  • select what file you will translate from the core language;


The languages generated for plugins and themes will work only if you have that language installed and active on the site. The generated language will contain the phrases presented in the PHP files that use the Osclass functions _e(),__(), _n(), _m(), _mn(). Any other text will be left out, so your theme or changes need to contain that functions to display the translation and extract the translation.

The search in the translation editor is not 100% accurate and will highlight all the possible matches so you can find the correct phrase much more easy.

When you generate a new language make sure that you set the correct language 639-1 code. The generated language for plugins or themes will work only the site has that specific language active.

This is a tool that will help you to change any translation from the site that is inserted using the osclass languages functions. You don't need to download the language file and use an external editor.

You need at least php 7.2 for this plugin.

red May 2, 2020

it supports all languages or just some of them?

calinbehtuk Author May 2, 2020

HI! It is not about the support of languages. This is a tool that helps you to translate the site from oc-admin. So you can change any languages, but you need to do this manually by yourself the plugin will not translate the words, you will translate the words. This is just the tool used to translate the words.

Sascha November 29, 2021

Hello I use Osclass 4.3 This plugin will also work with this version? Thank you and best regards

calinbehtuk Author November 29, 2021

I can't confirm that will work with this version. There are so many versions from different developers that I don't know who developed 4.3.0.

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