Price Alert

June 3, 2019 June 3, 2019
3 11 1705

Cbk Price Subscribe is a plugin that will notify your users if the price reaches the amount set in the user alert. Your users don't have to follow the ads every day if they want to know when the price is lower, the alert will be sent automatically after the price reach the limit set by the user.

This plugin will include an alert form on the item page if the item has a price set so the users can set an alert for each item. The alert is set with user email and the user don't need an account to set this alert.

Option available for this plugin:

  • price alert only with email;

  • user can set the lower limit of price;

  • email notification when the limit is reached;

  • daily price evolution in a chart;

  • block multiple email alert for the same item from the same user, even if the user will use different email;

  • option to remove the alert for logged users;

  • option to remove the alert for the user without an account, an email will be sent;

  • set a delay between emails for the unregistered user so the user cannot request multiple delete links only after a specific period of time;

  • set color scheme for alert form ;

  • set how many emails will be sent one time;

  • option to save the user-registered email address and ignore email entered in alert form;

  • use HTML email template in emails(incompatible with any other plugin that generate HTML email template);

  • save last changes on the price, for chart display;

Your cron has to run on your site, this plugin use cron job to send email alerts and delete old subscriptions. If you use another plugin for HTML email templates, you have to deactivate this plugin option from admin.

Price evolution chart is built with changes on price made by the seller, these changes are stored daily and updated if the seller will change the price multiple times on the same day. Only the last change will be stored if are multiple changes in the same day.

If no value is saved in the chart table, the script will add a start and end value with the same price, the price of the item. The period is set in admin in the last number of days that you chose to save the price changes. This numbers of days will affect the chart period.


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