Osclass support plugin

March 24, 2019 October 9, 2019
157 8074

Support ticket for osclass for a professional support system that allows you to have a conversation with your customers directly from the admin dashboard. You can help your users much easier and track the new tickets submitted, replies on messages or closed tickets.

Users can see in his dashboard the status of all tickets very easy due to the badge color system that is different for each status.

This plugin will:

  • offer user the option to submit a support ticket and reply to messages;

  • keep track of ticket status with badge system;

  • offer a preview of messages, unread replies date for each ticket;

  • option to close the ticket by user and admin;

  • highlight unread messages from the ticket with an eye, so the user and the admin can know what messages are new;

  • option to activate the email notification;

  • email notification for admin when a new ticket is submitted;

  • email notification for admin and users on new replies;

  • option to allow user or not to close a ticket;

  • load or not the font awesome library;

  • number of tickets per page;

  • set the support team name;

  • add image in ticket(from ver. 1.1.0);

Easy to set and implement and with a professional design to be read and understood by your users will add to your site a new value in customer support.

Admin will have a smart dashboard in Osclass that will make the support job faster and easy with the badge system and option to close or delete the tickets directly from the list.

The notification message can be customized from email templates, you can add more text to increase the value of each message and give your users a better experience with the customer service system for Osclass.

Comunicarea mama tuturor by Remulus Coman, March 25, 2019

So if you care about your customers, I recommend this plugin that is very good to maintain continuous communication with customers who add ads to your site, clients who have problems or want to ask the administrator despair the functions of the site, it's easy to work with, the only disappointment is that: Calin has left this plugin for free, this $ 50 client plug-in is worth at least $ 5, we still recommend it with warmth and we can expect improvements.

Yeah Man... by Bill, March 27, 2019

Really Nice one Thanks A lot. Nice work..!!

this plugin is mandatory for osclass by Aziz Almarshad, June 10, 2019


u r a genius with great work and support..

i hope u dont mind me modifying the plugin style to make suit my website and add some spices on it..

i wish u all the best of the best

Osclass support plugin by Orantes, December 23, 2019

Works well!

CBK Support Plugin by João Carrolo, May 6, 2020

CBK_support it's one more awesome plugin, very professional.... Only one single sugestion, when a ticket it's open, it's very good if we had a warning, for example in header of admin dashboard, near the Spam warning .....



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