Required subcategories

July 4, 2019 July 4, 2019
52 2762

Allow your users to post classifieds in a category from Osclass only if they select the last required subcategory. If your site uses multiple sub-levels of categories this plugin will force the user to select the last level of the subcategory and as long as the selected category has a required subcategory the publish process can't continue and the plugin will return a warning message.


The required category is the last category selected from the category tree like:

  • Sales

    • Apartments

      • With 2 rooms

      • With 3 rooms

      • With 4 rooms

    • Houses

      • Close to the city

      • Far from city (required)

  • Cars


If they chose to publish in Sales, this action cannot be done only if they select the subcategory Far from city. But if they chose to publish in Apartments category, this is possible because the category Apartments has no required subcategory. So take this into consideration when you set the required subcategories, the publish can be done in a subcategory that does not contain a required category in his tree.

After you install the plugin you need to select the subcategories from the plugin settings, the selected categories, and subcategories will be required on publishing and edit item. Select only the subcategories in which the user has to choose the last category from the tree to avoid this setting for all categories.

Thanks by Uttom Dey, October 18, 2019


Gratuit pentru toată lumea by Maestro, August 4, 2024

Faceți acest plugin gratuit. Este deja 2024, totul trebuie să se schimbe.

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