Download Osclass

March 8, 2019 September 25, 2019
108 2220

Download Osclass PHP script that allows you to create a free classified site. Provide a free advertising site for your users in real estate, jobs, cars and other types of ads.

Install one of the best free classified script for ad management in just 2 minutes and start posting ads on your site.

Osclass allow you to manage ads published by your user in a clean and efficient way. This script was designed especially for classifieds sites.

Users can create a free account from where they can edit delete or deactivate the ads. The publish option can be done by users without account also, but you can restrict the publish for registered user only.

The intuitive dashboard will make your job much easy when you moderate items, users, media or you check out the statistics.

You can personalize osclass easy by uploading a theme and you can add new functionality to your site by installing from multiple plugins available. The site aspect can be changed with a new theme by uploading and activate a new theme from the admin panel. All plugins and themes will be added from admin, no root access is needed.

Free and easy to set and use, multiple options available in the standard version, besides this you can add much more with plugins and themes, make this script the best choice if you want to start a classifieds site.

Download Osclass script and start customizing your site with all free and premium products available on the market.

This is the latest version of Osclass script released by Osclass Team.

You can use the new version with market links and updates check removed. Improvements are in oc-admin where the speed is slow when the script checks for updates.

Osclass RC


How to install osclass 

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