For translating an Osclass theme or plugin we will use a translator Poedit. You need to have this program installed on your computer and you are ready to edit or create a new translation language for Osclass.
In most cases your theme or plugin will have a language folder en_US, this is located in your plugin folder or theme folder in subfolder languages. Download this folder, make a copy and rename with your language code like en_US for English or ro_RO for Romanian.
In the translation folder will be 2 type of files:
.po - this file will be edited to change an existing translation or to add new words
.mo - a binary files that will be used by osclass, theme.po - files used when you translate a theme, messages.po - files used when you translate a plugin
Edit the .po file with poedit by right click on the file => open with poedit OR open poedit program =>Edit a translation =>select your file and add the corresponding translation for each word. After you save the file you upload the folder in your theme or plugin languages, the entire folder not just the translation. This folder will contain .po, .mo files.
Now you can start to translate your words and after you finish create a folder with your language code ro_RO for Romanian or other code for other languages. Move this files in that folder but remember to rename the files according to your project. If you translate a theme the files will be theme.po and and if you translate a plugin the files will be and messages.po. Upload the translation folder In your theme or plugin languages folder.
Now you can make the translation much more easily by using our plugin Translate plugin