Osclass is a free platform that allows you to create classifieds sites. You can install osclass in 5 minutes and you are good to go but this will not offer you all the options that you need for a classifieds site.
Here you will have a list of plugins that you definitely need for you osclass site.
A communication tools between the users. Sellers can receive messages from the customers that are interested by the product they sell. This plugin allows all visitors to send a message to sellers and no account is needed.
If you want to have a professional classifieds site you need to have a newsletter and more precise an HTML newsletter. This plugin will allow you to create newsletters by including the products with one click and many other options.
The EU General Data Protection Regulation force every site owner to make some changes in the way they handle user data and to offer user right of data portability. This plugin will offer some minimal option in your step to GDPR compliance.
You reading this article on osclass blog build with this plugin, so if you need some simple option to publish information on your osclass site, this is the plugin for you. A plugin that will allow you to create blog posts in osclass.
If your site contains adult ads, you need to warn your visitor about this with Eighteen plugin you will display a warning message about the content of a specific add.
You need an extra field to add the phone number in osclass ads, then this plugin is for you. This plugin allows you to add an extra field in your theme for a phone number and with some minimal knowledge you can display this phone anywhere on your item page.
The best way to allow visitors and users to compare some product or to store the products that they are interested in, is with wishlist plugin for osclass. This plugin will store the items in the cookie and display all the stored items in a list, and the best part is that the user doesn't need an account to be able to do this.
A fast way to see the images of the ads directly from the items table. This plugin is useful for moderators to keep track of viewed items and make the process more easy.
Take control of your site with this suite of tools. A plugin for administrators that will block any brute force on admin dashboard and offer you many tools to administrate your site.
Do you have issues with your mail server? Mail Log plugin is for you to check all the mail sent by the osclass script and the content of that mails. A plugin that is useful in case you have email server issues.
If you want more plugin for you osclass site, check our market.