Osclass CRON

Osclass has built-in functionality for cron jobs that can be activated from the admin dashboard under General tab and Cron Settings. The cron is trigger by the visits on the site and will run every hour if you have visits on the site.

You can configure your system's  cron to work with osclass but remember to disable Auto-cron option from osclass settings. Most likely you will have an option in cPanel to set a cron job, but if you don't have you can ask your hosting provider to configure a cron job for you.

You can also trigger the cron by direct access on this link:


The system cron can be set to access the same link to run the cron.

Osclass has hook for each cron type and we can use this hooks to run our functions that will do some tasks.

Hourly cron


You can use this hook to run a function in every hour and perform some task, like so:

    function my_custom_cron_hourly(){
        //Some code here that will be trigger in every hour

Daily cron


Example for daily cron:

   function my_custom_cron_daily(){
        //Some code here that will be trigger daily

Weekly cron


Example for weekly cron:

   function my_custom_cron_weekly(){
        //Some code here that will be trigger weekly

Automate your tasks with osclass cron, and you don't have to to do a task on a specific date. Don't forget to deactivate Auto-cron from osclass if you use your system cron, and that Auto- cron is triggered by visists on your site.



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